
In its fourth edition, Bogota will bring to the Forum the knowledge resulting from its experiences to nurture dialogues and reflections leading to the prevention and participatory resolution of conflicts, as well as to the strengthening of peace processes that arise in the cities and territories of the world.

Within this framework, and following the five thematic axes of the fourth edition of the Forum, a series of panel-type spaces, discussions and laboratories have been designed to facilitate the exchange of experiences and the appropriation of knowledge. In addition, a cultural agenda focused on peace and care initiatives has been added.

Minute by minute

Day 1 – june 27

Inauguration ceremony 

General Panel I:

Municipal Peace Conversations: City Diplomacy and Transformative Diplomacy 

General panel II: 

Causes and effects of increasing multicriminality in cities affecting social peace. 

Discussions (parallel sessions)

• A look at climate change and its impact on human mobility

• Systematic violence against women in cities

Co-creation Labs

(parallel sessions)


Lab: Combating violence against women at the local level. 


Lab: What tools could a human security framework offer to address the causes that generate insecurities in cities? 


Lab: How to generate citizen practices that give agency to individuals from recognition and memory? 


Lab: Innovation and cultural diversity 


Lab: How to address climate migration from the political responses of local governments?


Lab: The social responsibility of the private sector in inclusion and peace building.


Lab: Racism and social peace


Lab: Forced internal displacement

City Experiences

(open to the general public)

• Tour of the Memory, Peace and Reconciliation Center of Bogota

• Documentary screening:
“Cuando las aguas se juntan” (When the waters meet). District Cinematheque
world where women have a voice.

Day 2 – june 28

City Experiences

General Panel III (1st part) 

How does caring for people, particularly women and youth, contribute to generating conditions of stability and social peace that strengthen democracy? 

General Panel III (2nd part) 

How does a vision of care advance the equality, equity and sustainability agendas?

Discussions (parallel sessions) 


• Rethinking initiatives to break dynamics of inequity and stigmatization that affect urban peace and human security 



• Culture of reconciliation and memory to build more peaceful territories, cities and societies.



• Design of cities to facilitate the establishment of services closer to citizens: green territories, better connected and with access to care to improve quality of life.

Closing ceremony 


Philharmonic Orchestra of Bogota:

Sons and Daughters for Peace Choir 


Cr 8 # 10-65
High Counselor’s Office for Peace, Victims and Reconciliation
District Office of International Relations

[email protected]